Canon CXDI-410C

The superb CXDI-410C Wireless has a 43×42 cm imaging area and incorporates Canon’s legendary LANMIT amorphous silicon core with high sensitivity caesium iodide scintillator for minimum patient X-ray dose. Automatic exposure detection and stand alone mode allow the CXDI-410C Wireless to be used with most medical X-ray equipment without the need for any physical connection […]
Canon CXDI-402C

The Canon CXDI-702C/402C wireless digital radiography systems are designed to support the demands of medical imaging departments for cost-effective solutions without compromise. These latest generation wireless detectors provide features that optimize workflow and offer the high quality and reliability that you have come to expect from Canon. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinois
Canon CXDI-401C

The CXDI-401C Wireless Digital Radiography System can upgrade your existing radiographic suite or can be retrofitted to an upright stand, universal stand, or imaging table. It provides high resolution images, as a result of a pixel pitch of just 125 microns, with a low X-ray dose to the patient. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinois
Canon CXDI -710C

Canon’s next generation wireless detector line-up takes you to new heights of possibilities in Digital Radiography. Reduced weight, waterproof, on-board memory and enhanced detector design are just a few of the clinically beneficial new features. The CXDI-710C Wireless system ensures best performance in workflow, sensitivity, image quality and versatility. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinois