Supria 64 CT

Experience enhanced workflow speed and clear CT image quality across a wide range of applications by taking advantage of true 64 slice acquisition and up to 128 slice reconstruction. Access the latest dose awareness, reduction, and management features. Benefit from a compact footprint, increased patient access, new energy-efficient technologies, and lower cost of ownership with […]
Apollo EZ

Apollo EZ is the solution designed to overcome any installation limits in narrow spaces, thanks to its compact mechanical structure, and to allow an R/F room to be created with an affordable investment. The table is available with transversal (2-way) tabletop movement, for maximum compactness, or with 4-way tabletop movement, to offer maximum patient exploration, […]
Scenaria View CT

Experience enhanced workflow speed and clear CT image quality across a wide range of applications using 64 slice acquisition and up to 128 slice reconstruction. Access the latest dose awareness, reduction, and management features. Benefit from more open patient access, a compact footprint, new energy-efficient technologies, and lower cost of ownership with Hitachi’s SCENARIA View. […]
Apollo DRF

Apollo DRF is Villa’s reference product in the panorama of digital remote-controlled tables, which stands out overtime for its unique and innovative features. Its top performance and operability have always been widely acknowledged, with features such as the wide application flexibility, high productivity and high image quality, still making it one of the most appreciated […]
Oval Echelon MRI

Echelon Oval continues Hitachi’s commitment to patient-friendly imaging. The industry’s widest bore is complemented by the widest patient table, lowering to wheelchair height and featuring a 550lb. weight limit to accommodate the broadest variety of patient body types while maximizing patient comfort. A host of patient amenities including feet first imaging, adjustable in-bore lighting, and […]

In the wide range of radio-fluoroscopy systems, the Apollo and Apollo EZ remote controlled tables have stood out over time for their unique and innovative features, making them particularly valued by users for their extensive application capacity, their ease of use and excellent image quality. These features make them among the most appreciated products by […]
Aero DR Family

AeroDR 3 supports the high resolution 100µm pixel size for excellent image quality. It is the third-generation flagship model of the cassette DR with advanced durability. There is a lineup of three sizes (1717/1417/1012). Areas Served:ArkansasMississippiTennesseeLouisianaTexas
Oasis MRI

Oasis 1.2T MRI system sets a high standard for patient-centric care. A unique achievement in high-performance imaging, the Oasis truly open architecture features advanced magnet design, Zenith RF Technology, and robust clinical capabilities to achieve high throughput diagnostic performance. Areas Served: ArkansasMississippiTennesseeLouisianaTexas

The DEL MEDICAL FWFC System oers an aordable,exible solution designed for medical imaging centers andurgent care facilities looking to maximize space and minimizeroom modications. It features a secure oor rail and an upperwall or ceiling mounted rail for installation exibility andeortless longitudinal travel and quick positioning. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinoisVirginiaNorth CarolinaSouth CarolinaArkansasMississippiTennesseeLouisianaTexas
TQT software

The DIRECTVIEW Total Quality Tool (TQT) enables you to perform objective image tests and QC measurements with the same interface used for examinations. Tests are done at your convenience to help you manage and minimize the cost, scheduling or disruption of third-party testing. Areas Served:ArkansasMississippiTennesseeLouisianaTexas