RayMaster VS100

The Universal Chiropractic System is an affordable, Cost effective flat-panel digital X-ray system that will instantly improve the efficiency of your practice. Digital Radiography provides a clean and streamlined imaging process by eliminating the need for cassettes, film, chemistry, automatic film processors, darkroom, film storage and monthly maintenance. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinois

Versatile and intuitive, the OTC18T System delivers enhanced patient comfort and optimized workow. Precisely designed to withstand high-volume throughput in hospital radiology departments, medical imaging centers and large orthopedic facilities with the need to perform a broad range of radiographic studies. Synchronized motorized movement of the tube crane’s vertical axis maintains precise centering between the […]

Powered by an onboard 40kW high-frequency generator, 300kHu X-ray tube, and the user-friendly DELWORKS image acquisition workstation, the MDR is intended to be an all-inclusive mobile imaging solution. Areas Served:IndianaKentuckyIllinoisTennessee

The DEL MEDICAL FWFC System oers an aordable,exible solution designed for medical imaging centers andurgent care facilities looking to maximize space and minimizeroom modications. It features a secure oor rail and an upperwall or ceiling mounted rail for installation exibility andeortless longitudinal travel and quick positioning. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinoisVirginiaNorth CarolinaSouth CarolinaArkansasMississippiTennesseeLouisianaTexas

The FMT18 System was designed with features proven tooptimize workow, patient care and technologistproductivity. This oor-mounted conguration is ideal forimaging environments requiring high-volumethroughputs , such as hospital radiology departments andmedical imaging centers. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinoisIndianaKentuckyTennessee

The FMT18M System was designed with features proven to optimize workow, patient care and technologist productivity. This oor-mounted conguration is ideal for imaging environments requiring high-volume throughputs, such as hospital radiology departments and medical imaging centers. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinois
FMT EV 800

The durable EV800 elevating four-way float top table delivers outstanding safety and usability. Featuring an exclusive four-point lift system and exceptionally quiet motor-drive, its smooth, scratch resistant table top lowers to a height of just 22.25” (56.5 cm) to ensure stress-free patient transfers and adjustments. Offering a high patient weight capacity of up to 800 […]

The DEL MEDICAL FMT System oers an economical, compact design ideal for hospital radiology departments, medical imaging centers, and orthopedic facilities looking to maximize space and avoid costly room modications. The secure 10 ft (3 m) oor-mounted rail allows for eortless longitudinal travel and quick positioning. 8 ft (2.4 m) and 12 ft (3.7 m) […]

EvoView PACS is a diagnostic image management solution comprised of technologies and capabilities to provide professionals with an intuitive, powerful platform aimed to improve workflow efficiency and patient care in today’s healthcare environment. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinois
Del Works Universal DV

Analog Systems Ready for DR Areas Served:VirginiaNorth CarolinaSouth Carolina