Inspiration 7I

The Inspiration® 7i Ventilator Series is highly versatile and designed with the clinician in mind. Our patented Swiss pneumatic design allows high performance PSOL valves to provide outstanding breath delivery to infant through adult patients. We offer one of the most comprehensive platforms on Inspiration ventilators, including—as standard—Heliox delivery, battery power, built-in compressor, volume targeted […]
Evolution 3e Essential

The eVolution® 3e Advanced Ventilator is a new paradigm in ventilator design. Dual PSOL valves ensure the precise flow, volume and pressure delivery for your sickest patients—true ICU ventilator care—while the innovative turbine design means you can deliver this ICU equivalent care wherever and whenever you need it. The ventilator can receive O2 input from either […]

The unique CliniNet® interface and CliniNet® Virtual Report™ viewing system bring centralized, real-time data and patient management to the entire care team. The intuitive user interface provides access to your Inspiration® 7i, 5i and eVolution® 3e ventilators, allowing clinicians to view up to eight ventilators simultaneously on each computer monitor. The Inspiration and eVolution has the […]