Supria Plus

Experience enhanced workflow speed and clear CT image quality across a wide range of applications using 16 slice acquisition and up to 32 slice reconstruction. Access the latest dose awareness, reduction, and management features. Benefit from a compact footprint, increased patient access, new energy-efficient technologies, and lower cost of ownership with Hitachi’s Supria Plus – […]
Supria 64 CT

Experience enhanced workflow speed and clear CT image quality across a wide range of applications by taking advantage of true 64 slice acquisition and up to 128 slice reconstruction. Access the latest dose awareness, reduction, and management features. Benefit from a compact footprint, increased patient access, new energy-efficient technologies, and lower cost of ownership with […]
Scenaria View CT

Experience enhanced workflow speed and clear CT image quality across a wide range of applications using 64 slice acquisition and up to 128 slice reconstruction. Access the latest dose awareness, reduction, and management features. Benefit from more open patient access, a compact footprint, new energy-efficient technologies, and lower cost of ownership with Hitachi’s SCENARIA View. […]
Oval Echelon MRI

Echelon Oval continues Hitachi’s commitment to patient-friendly imaging. The industry’s widest bore is complemented by the widest patient table, lowering to wheelchair height and featuring a 550lb. weight limit to accommodate the broadest variety of patient body types while maximizing patient comfort. A host of patient amenities including feet first imaging, adjustable in-bore lighting, and […]
Oasis MRI

Oasis 1.2T MRI system sets a high standard for patient-centric care. A unique achievement in high-performance imaging, the Oasis truly open architecture features advanced magnet design, Zenith RF Technology, and robust clinical capabilities to achieve high throughput diagnostic performance. Areas Served: ArkansasMississippiTennesseeLouisianaTexas