OmniScope 5ma and 20ma

Omniscope DReam, surgical C-arm equipment coupled with Flat Panel Detector, in detail suitable for both hip as well as aortic prosthesis procedures. Markedly, any kind of surgery is possible due to the wide range of generators & flat detectors. In order to offer appropriate opening & positioning, from bariatric to extremities surgeries the C-arm machine […]
Del Vision

The Vision R is a surgical, feature-rich mobile system designed to perform a wide range of fluoroscopic applications. Its refined movement capabilities, high resolution, and dose efficiency make it a smart solution for procedures in surgery, orthopedics, urology, cardiology, and pain management. Areas Served:ArkansasMississippiTennesseeLouisianaTexas
Turner Smart-C

The Smart-C is a mini C-arm x-ray system designed to provide physicians with real-time general viualization of patients. Areas Served:OhioPennsylvaniaWest VirginiaKentuckyIndianaMichigan

Omniscop DReam and Omniscop Dream-S are ideal system for ER, OR, ICU, surgical imaging or interventional setting.These systems can be configured with either 21×21 or 30×30 cm Flat Panel Detector.· Omniscop DReam-S can be configured up to 5kW generator, as a large double 22” touch screen and a dedicated 12’’ color touch screen control panel.· Omniscop […]
Vision R

The Vision R is a surgical, feature-rich mobile system designed to perform a wide range of fluoroscopic applications. Its refined movement capabilities, high resolution, and dose efficiency make it a smart solution for procedures in surgery, orthopedics, urology, cardiology and pain management. Areas Served:WisconsinMichiganMinnesotaIllinois